If you have been lately thinking too much about how to transform the prospects of your business, it is time to gain a clear and complete understanding about the key trends in optimization and personalization of the customer experience that would be ahead of us all in the year 2019 and beyond.

Tech-Savvy Will Prefer Using Their Voice To Research, Engage, And Buy
An Adobe Analytics report revealed that close to 50 percent of the consumers in the United States alone will own a smart speaker after the holiday season. Also, as many as 71 percent of those who have a smart speaker report using smart speakers at least once a day, with approximately half of them using them to make a search and research for products.
All in all, Voice is slowly but exponentially emerging as the most-popular channel globally for customer engagement. Till a few years back, it was the smartphone that was enjoying this popularity. There is no denying the fact that the mobile-first approach will stay firm in place but it is also true that more and more profit-driven organizations will start focusing heavily on offering engaging and delighting consumer experiences by making it easier and smarter to research and purchase through smart speakers and voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Now. Personalization will be the all-important key to doing that
A few things to evaluate from a personalization standpoint: A recently-concluded survey by Voices.com revealed that a big majority of humans will prefer authentic human voice over a synthetic, computer-generated voice. But as always, organizations across the world should be ready to first discover the preferences and buying behavior of their target audience or let Artificial Intelligence decide what smart speaker or voice experience each visitor appreciates best.
Marketers Will Start Personalizing With Artificial Intelligence
According to a survey by eConsultancy, almost 3/4th of digital marketers surveyed disclosed that they were already using or have plans to use Artificial Intelligence for personalizing offers with their online advertising efforts. Furthermore, 81 percent of those surveyed are planning to use or currently using Artificial Intelligence for audience targeting. This growing acceptance of AI has a lot to do with significant improvements in algorithms, expectations of customers for highly personalized and delighting experiences, more data being available to feed the algorithms, and greater computing power.
In the near future, we are likely to see much greater and wider use of personalization driven by AI as marketers across the globe will start to easily and quickly derive invaluable insights about what attributes of visitors are treated as important by machine learning models when delivering a given offer or experience, or what audiences determined by it are treated as valuable and how large those audiences are.
Dynamic Websites Will Continue To Be the Biggest Trend
During the last two to three years, there has been a big surge in the popularity of Single Page Applications (SPAs) like those developed using the React and Angular Frameworks. This trend is likely to continue for a good while as these web pages provide better user experiences instead of reloading an entire page. It is simply due to the fact that they only modify the page elements that are required to change as interactions with users happen. Moreover, these sites are easier to debug and build, don’t tax the server or browser, and don’t need as much bandwidth as websites built as multi-page applications.
Still wondering why? Customers expect highly responsive websites just as they expect highly personalized experiences. In the near future, more companies will likely start providing single page applications that are populated dynamically and powered with personalized content based on the interactions of users with the page and data from other feeds. The general rule: SPAs are best used for pages with highly dynamic content and not for static content such as blog sites. Single page applications will be an excellent choice if you have a single idea or product on which you focus.
Personalized Augmented Reality Experiences On Mobile Will Be Talk Of The Town
Not long ago, smartphone owners were obsessed with Pokémon GO that really made smartphone owners get immersed in an Augmented Reality experience. Since then, many AR developer platforms have been made available to the world at large and the list includes Google’s ARCore, Apple’s ARKit, and Facebook’s AR Studio. This year, the number of phones that have the potential of leveraging the capabilities enabled by the Google and Apple AR developer platforms is expected to reach 2.2 billion.
In 2019, mobile is expected to account for $93.25 billion in advertisement spending according to eMarketer.
The future is bright in 2019 and beyond with devices, systems, and machines powered by Artificial Intelligence and other technologies. We hope that this piece of information on the personalization trends to define businesses today and tomorrow was useful to you. Keep watching this space.

Ajay Dubedi
CEO | Founder
“Ajay Dubedi, the Founder and CEO of Cloud Analogy, is a prominent Salesforce Sales, Service, and Marketing cloud Consultant with a rich expertise in handling challenging business models. Ajay has assisted and implemented solutions in industries comprising Banking, Health Care, Networking, Education, Telecommunication and Manufacturing. For the last many years, Ajay has been instrumental in passing on his vast knowledge among his colleagues and strongly believes in harnessing an atmosphere of encouragement, empowerment, and mutual advancement. Ajay is globally acclaimed for his extensive experience in APEX Programming, VisualForce pages, Triggers, Workflows, Page Layouts, Roles, Profiles, Reports & Dashboards.”